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Set up user account lock under Windows 11!

The Windows 11 Compatibility Checker App! 

Turn off hibernate, hibernation on Windows 11!

Wi-Fi and Wireless display on Windows 11?

Temporarily stop the hibernation of your Windows 11, 10, ... PC?

Adjust date and time in Windows 11?

What do error codes in Windows 11 system alerts mean?

Windows 11 automatic playback / auto-play shortcut on the desktop!

Disable automatic drive defragmentation in Windows 11, 10, ...!

Tool with directories can be displayed and edited at the same time!

Recycle Bin Secure Delete via Explorer Right-click for Windows 11, 10, ...!

Directory print!

Search for a lock screen preventer is not necessary!

Windows Photos and Pictures convert to single PDF file, easy and fast!

Freeware Desktop-Snow-OK for Windows!

Quickly restart Quad File Explorer for Windows?

Q-Dir and known bugs!

In Quad File Exoplorer, change the list view to details?

Uninstall and install Desktop OK (64-bit / 32-bit) Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7!

Multi Touch Test on Windows 11, 10, ...?

Create file internet explorer keyboard shortcut for all windows OS!

How can I install Perl on my Linux server?

Here is a simple example when reading the process list in Task Manager!

Print - drives, directories, files in the console!

Direct access to the switch-off, standby, logout, hibernation!

Single or different pictures to a file!

BitBlt Paint Speed Test for GPU on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Stop Watch also known as chronograph, from ancient greek language! 

Please! Do not read this unnecessary text!

Adjustments of the digital desktop CLOCK on Windows 11, 10, ...!

A Purple File Explorer on Windows-10/11 Example!

Favorites KOs for a quick termination of the windows processes!

Multiple Desktop Notes transparent random color as a sticky note for Windows!

Unlock and/or delete locked or protected files and folders for MS Windows OS. 

Find defective or dead pixels on the monitor quickly on MS Windows 12, 11, 10, ... !

Desktop pictures in 3D display tool for MS Windows 11, 10, ... and MS Server OS!

The MiniBrowserOK!

Simply select similar photos with the keyboard!

Drag photos directly from the screenshot folder into a PDF file?

Drag your favorite site to the bookmark bar?

The fastest way to see the performance index under Windows 10 and 11!

Put a floating clock on Windows 11, 10, ... desktop!

Zip folder in Quad Explorer easier to handle on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Adjusting the tabs / tab width in the alternative file explorer!

Activate the Quad-Explorer top address bar Windows 10, 8.1,...!

Clone all File-Explorer Views in Quad Explorer under Windows 10, 8.1, ...!

Quite handy to surf with the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge!

Windows always in the foreground under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Make sure the desktop notes are deleted in terms of privacy!

See total folder duration mp3 file and video in explorer on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Remove Spotify from Windows-11/10 Autostart (enable, disable, uninstall)!

Switch to the classic Windows Defender under Windows 10!

Mobile hotspot under Windows 11/10 for shared internet use!

Calibrate joystick / game controller under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Download free text editing program!

How to Fix Bad Desktop Icons in Windows 10/11?

Change PC name Windows 10/11!

Maximize Window Minimize keyboard shortcuts and so on Windows 11, 10, ..!

Enable standard desktop icons under Windows 11 or 10!

Recognize the CPU load through individual programs and APPs!

How to print as PDF in Windows 11, 10!

Printer Management, Printer Server, Driver, Printers Connections under Windows 11 and 10!

All Printer Folder on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Windows 10 / 11 Desktop not showing, why, what can i do?

Windows 10 / 11 cmd shell:programfilesx86 and shell:programfiles!

At incorrect time Change the time zone in Windows 10/11!

Can I uninstall Microsoft Edge?

Brightness adjustment Windows 10/11, without screen control?

The appdata folder on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Locate Direct X in Windows 10!

Convert the FAT32 to NTFS without losing data under Windows-10, -11 abd -12?

The easy Mounting of the VHD under MS Windows 11, 10, ...!

Here's how to reinstall Windows 10 without bloatware!

Does Windows 10 / 11 get Windows updates if it's not activated?

Change Windows 10 update settings, quick fix!

Start speech recognition under Windows 10 / 11!

Export image comparison results from the result list to HTML, XLS, CSV, ..!

Example of Performance Index on Windows 10 Pro all Builds!

Recover / Reopen closed tabs!

The Folder Size on Windows-10/-11/-12?

Can I use it to calibrate color on Windows 12, 11, etc.?

In run-command is the control panel not correctly displayed!

How long does it take 35 times to overwrite files and random renaming?

Why use a program like IsMyMemoryOK for Windows?

List all Powershell commands, filter, help?

What does #pragma optimize do in cpp?

Difference between script and program?

Reserve virtual memory C++, Windows?

Search and Find Files by Modification Time in Windows, Examples!

The network drive is not there when Windows is restarted (11, 10, 8.1, 7)?

Activate mouse shadow in Windows, but how to?

How to change the 7-Zip context menu to English, Windows 11, 10, ...?

X64, EM64T or IA64 processors, what's the difference?

Where is the search results folder / directory on Windows 10, 8.1, 7?

Help! How to add the print directory feature to Windows Explorer?

Drive information via command prompt?

Delete the connection IPs of the visiting website via command prompt!

Query Windows screen resolution via the command prompt!

Delete partition with Diskpart under Windows 11, 10, ... and MS Server!

Synchronize the clock on your Windows 11, 10, ... etc. with a www time server!

Start a program at the command prompt via the command line!

Secure File Removal Using the ERASE Command, Examples?

Formatting via the Command Prompt Windows 11, 10, 8.1 , ...!

Console command to see IP Address, how to on all Windows OS?

In Word, quickly open the “Save As” window?

Change the case of text in Microsoft Word using a keyboard shortcut?

Can I install the old MS Office on Windows 11, is this  better?

More space for messages in Outlook, classic view in the list!

Should I buy an MS Office subscription or a full version?

How do I get letters with accented characters / accents in Microsoft Word?

Can I use the 3D desktop clock on Windows 11?

Can i change the size of the desktop clock (windows, resize)?

Can I edit and configure the Windows XP file Boot.ini myself?

The Windows message “Please keep your computer on” appears?

What do I need to consider when resetting Windows 12, 11, 10, etc.?

Are joysticks and game controllers supported on all Windows?

Which versions of Windows can open ISO files?

What is the System32 directory?

Text to speech settings on Windows?

How do I update drivers on Windows?

Who should definitely use tools when unlocking and deleting files?

Show folder structure in alphabetical order and print?

When print set smaller font, so more of the directory tree fits on the page?

I don't understand the "Mark better pictures" function in the program?

How do I get Big Insects on my Windows 11, 10, ... etc. desktop?

It is able to add detect my controller's inputs Xbox 360, and Joystick events?

Free drawing program on Windows 11/10?

Windows 10 / 11 notification "Turn-on virus protection", how to turn off this message?

Wlan or WiFi speed under Windows 10 / 11 see how does it work?

Windows-10/11 change keyboard settings, how to (language, settings)?

Changing User Passwords in Windows 10 / 11 Without Knowing the Current?

My-Documents Windows 10 / 11, change the path, how to?

Disable Login Screen in Windows 10, how to?

Can I change drive letter name in Windows 10 / 11, how to?

Save search results in Windows 10/11 for always recurring search events?

Start navigation click sound in Windows 10 / 11 (enable, disable)?

Show hidden files and folders and extension in Windows 10/11, how to?

Hibernation settings Windows 10 / 11 (turn off, enable, disable)?

Change Mouse Pointer and Cursor size on Windows-10/11, (smaller, larger)?

How can I use multiple virtual desktops on Windows 10/11?

Is the latest printer driver always useful or is the old one sufficient?

Command line and shut down the computer!

Portable use of Don't Sleep on Windows 10 / 11 and protected folder problem!

Can I continue to use my mouse cursor hiding tool on MS Windows 11!

What is a digital photo original?

What should I do if my Norton or McAfee Antivirus is expired?

A certificate was explicitly blocked by the issuer!

Connect a computer via USB or set up a network, but how?

The device failed the performance test - Samsung?

What is an atomic clock how to use?

What are the main functions of kernel memory?

No WIA and Twain after Windows 10 / 11 Update in Scan to PDF, why!

How can I set the order of the individual PDF pages?

Why another countdown APP for Android and Windows?

Can I use the screen testing tools on MS Windows-11 and --12 OS?

Create Desktop shortcut to run Windows-8.1 WordPad or pin on start!

Customize the size of the icons in the task bar of Windows 8.1 and 10!

Burn an ISO image to a DVD using CMD commands in Windows 8.1, 10?

Make the keyboard more easier to use on Windows 8.1 / 10!

Hiberfil.sys to another drive because my C: on SSD is full (Windows 8.1 / 10)!

How to uninstall the Internet Explorer in Windows 8.1 and 10!

Directly Open Desktop in Windows 8.1 and 8 at Login, skip start screen, how to?

How to find the fonts and the fonts folder in MS Windows OS and Server?

How to switch tabs in the Win 8.1 / 8   Internet Explorer start (metro) screen app?

Windows 8 on screen keypad at startup, start page, log in without keyboard?

Disable or enable Hibernate and Sleep at Windows 10 and 8.1, how to?

Windows-8 and 8.1 on Oracle VM VirtualBox, i got an error message during installation!

Delete Amazon article "last viewed in history"!

How to on MS ISS FTP Server Access!

How can i change the Language on PayPal.com?

Register all the fonts without installation, for other Windows programs, how to?

Select Sim Card on Samsung Galaxy for Mobile Internet!

How does the exact CPU frequency query work on MS Windows OS?

The random number algorithms is many times faster than c++ rand, why?

Pixel color queries with the help of command line!

Help after Windows 10 crash, the nice big mouse cursor is no longer there, gone?

Batch processing of photos and reduction options!

Who benefits most from IE11 on Windows Server and why in 2024?

Can I disable Ctrl+Alt+Del login on Windows Server?

Windows Server 2012 and direct download links and trial versions!

For what Different Performances in the Desktop Snow?

Various program / tool requests for Windows!

Can I use the cute hearts in Microsoft Paint too!

Attach or mount a virtual hard disk - what's the difference?

How long do SSDs really last?

Enabling drive compression on Windows 10, 8.1 or MS Server!

Turn off Windows S mode?

Shut down MS Windows OS with key combination!

What is a digital desktop clock suitable for in Windows?

Show PM AM in the Digital Desktop Clock on Windows 11, 10, ... all OS!

How do I benefit from the integrated AI in the Windows 12 release?

Prevent forced update to Windows 11 or 12?

What are the benefits of using Q-Dir with system access rights?

Folder comparisons in Quad Explorer Q-Dir for Windows?

Open in new process right-click menu, menu item removed in Ecxplorer Views?

Address bar rules in explorer views, almost like in MS Windows Explorer!

I miss an 'Auto column width' option in the file explorer 4 Windows?

Is there a way to start Q-Dir with a parameter of path for Explorer-Views?

How can i browse FTP folders in Explorer Views, do you support SFTP?

Clone eg transfer the folder from Explorer View-1 to View-2?

What kind of photos and pictures can I use for the 3D desktop display?

Differences between the right and left Ctrl key?

What are Windows applications?

What is the difference between volume, drive and partition?

Where is the tab key ↹ on Windows?

TrueType fonts (TTF)?

Help, with a click of the mouse the MS Windows files are opened?

Where can I find documents on Windows?

Show SSD, HD USB drives Windows 11, 10, 8.1?

How can I restart MS Windows Explorer, Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7, ...?

I have on the desktop a small black dot, what can I do?

Who should definitely use the alternative command prompt?

What is TWAIN?

Change timestamps for certain files!

The analog desktop clock no longer starts with Windows 11, 10, ...?

Answer about Windows 11 24H2 Microsoft 2024 Update?

Windows 11 22H2 won't install, update?

Change default system font on windows 11?

Quick Launch Bar in Windows 11?

Change product key Windows 11, or make Home to Pro?

Where are the Windows tools in Windows 11?

Do I have Home or Pro version of Windows 11?

How to remove the standard Taskbar icons in Windows 11?

How to disable save of the thumbnails in Windows 11?

Adjust text size, font for APPs, programs under Windows 11!

Windows 11 detect auto HDR support?

How to customize the Windows 11 Smart Screen?

Surf and work with a guest account rather than with a standard user under Windows 11!

What version of Windows 11 do I have installed?

Windows 11: What is DirectX 12 Ultimate?

Difference between PostgreSQL and MySQL?

Difference between CLI and GUI?

Difference between REST and SOAP?

Difference between Docker and Kubernetes?

Difference between CPU (Central Processing Unit) and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)?

Portable use of the process killer under Windows (11, 10, 8.1, 7, ...)!

For what four different duration of Benschmarks?

What is better x64, x32, x86 version of desktop ok on Windows?

How can I switch or change the Language In DesktopOK?

Capital letter first word and capital letter all words?

Keyboard shortcuts to start multiple programs commands (run, runx, runa, runX, runA)!

QuickTextPaste does not save the settings, how can I uninstall it?

If I manage to remove all viruses, is my Windows 11, 10, ... PC virus-free?

The handy short note on the Windows desktop is always in the foreground!

Can I still print test pages on Windows 11 Home and Pro?

Why is not an organizer integrated (to allow event scheduling and notifications)?

Windows 7 turn off groups view files and folders?

How to disable or enable hibernate in Windows 7?

Change your Account Picture in Windows-7 or Browse for new Account Image!

Prevent (disable) shutdown in Windows 10, 8.1, 7, ...?

How can I activate Windows 7 via phone system?

How can I uninstall the Internet Explorer 11 or 8 in Windows 7, is this possible?

Setup the Auto Startup Manager on Android mobile smart phone?

What is a BAT file?

What is color depth?

What is a product key?

What is plain text on the PC?

What are image formats?

What are spreadsheets?

What is excel?

What is a solid state drive?

What is analogy?

What is Full HD?

What does anonymous calling mean?

What is a two-sided medal?

What are wildcards?

What is Tabbed Browsing?

What is a windows console?

What is TMC in a car radio?

What is an internet platform?

What are the advantages of using the BIN to ISO converter on Windows?












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